Difference Between Synthetic And Regular Oil

Comparisons, Knowledgebase

Last Updated on November 25, 2022 by mdmtool

The debate between synthetic and regular oil has existed for quite some time. Regular oil is a traditional petroleum-based product used for many years. On the other hand, synthetic oil is an artificial product designed to provide superior performance.

It can be challenging to make, but it is important to understand the difference between the two to make an informed decision.

What Is Synthetic Oil?

Synthetic oil

Synthetic oil is a lubricant that contains chemical compounds that are man-made.

What Is Regular Oil(Conventional Oil)?

what is regular oil

Regular oil is a lubricant consisting of chemical compounds that occur naturally .

Difference Between Synthetic And Regular Oil

What is synthetic oil

Production: Regular oil is a petroleum product, while synthetic oil can be either petroleum-based or plant-based.

Function: The primary function of oil is to lubricate engine parts and reduce friction. Synthetic oil does a better job of lubricating than regular oil, reducing wear and tear on engine parts.

Performance: Synthetic oil outperforms regular oil in terms of stability, viscosity, and volatility Synthetic oil can better withstand high temperatures and protect against deposits and sludge.

Viscosity: Synthetic oil has a higher density than regular oil. The higher density of synthetic oil allows it to lubricate engine parts better and reduce wear. It also allows to withstand high temperatures better.

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Volatility: Synthetic oil is less volatile than regular oil. Synthetic oil’s lower volatility means it evaporates less readily at high temperatures.

Thermal Breakdown: Synthetic oil has superior resistance to thermal breakdown. This will help to withstand higher temperatures without breaking down.

Chemical Breakdown: Synthetic oil has superior resistance to chemical breakdown. This indicates that it is less likely to be damaged by the chemicals in your engine.

Health And Safety: Synthetic oil is generally considered safer for humans and the environment than regular oil. Regular oil can contain harmful impurities, such as sulfur. Synthetic oil is also less likely to cause skin irritation.

Environmental Impact: Synthetic oil has a lower environmental impact than regular oil. Synthetic oil also produces fewer emissions than regular oil.

Cost: Synthetic oil is more expensive than regular oil. Its superior performance and longer oil life offset the higher synthetic oil cost.

Regular oil needs to be changed more frequently than synthetic oil, which leads to higher overall costs.


  • Synthetic oil is recommended for use in high-performance engines.
  • Regular oil is adequate for most uses but may not provide the best protection under extreme conditions.
  • Synthetic oil is also recommended for use in cold weather.
  • Regular oil can become thick and sluggish in cold weather, leading to reduced performance.

regular oil

Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages Of Synthetic Oil

  • Superior performance
  • Longer oil life
  • Reduced wear and tear on engine parts
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Lower environmental impact

Advantages Of Regular Oil

  • Lower cost
  • Widely available

Disadvantages Of Synthetic Oil

  • Higher cost
  • It may require special tools for the application
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Disadvantages Of Regular Oil

  • Regular oil breaks down more quickly under extreme conditions, increasing the risk of engine damage.
  • Inferior performance
  • Shorter oil life
  • Increased wear and tear on engine parts
  • Higher environmental impact.

Choosing The Right Oil For Your Vehicle

  • The oil you use should be based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • If you are using synthetic oil, you should follow the exact interval for oil changes as you would for regular oil.
  • You may be able to extend the interval for oil changes if you are using synthetic oil.

right oil


Is Synthetic Oil Better Than The Regular Oil?

The short answer is yes. Synthetic oil is better than regular oil.

What Is The Difference Between Fully Synthetic Oil And Synthetic Blend?

The main difference between fully synthetic oil and synthetic blend is that fully synthetic oil is made from 100% synthetic base stocks. In contrast, a synthetic blend combines conventional and synthetic oils.

Is It Wrong To Switch From Regular To Synthetic Oil?

No, you can switch from regular to synthetic oil without any problems. Synthetic oil can help to clean up any deposits left behind by the regular oil.

Can I Mix Synthetic And Regular Oil?

Yes, you can mix synthetic and regular oil, but you should check your owner’s manual to see if the manufacturer recommends a specific ratio.

Is It Worth The Extra Money To Use Synthetic Oil?

The answer depends on your circumstances. Synthetic oil costs more than regular oil but also lasts longer and provides superior performance. Synthetic oil is a good choice if you are using your vehicle for high-performance applications.


In conclusion, synthetic oil is better than regular oil in terms of performance, longevity, and environmental impact. However, synthetic oil costs more than regular oil. The decision of which oil to use should be based on your budget, driving habits, and the recommendations of your vehicle’s manufacturer.

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