Difference Between Direct Current And Alternating Current


Last Updated on January 13, 2023 by mdmtool

Direct current (DC) is a type of electrical current that flows in one direction and remains constant. Alternating current (AC) is an electrical current that periodically reverses direction, typically at a frequency of 50 or 60 cycles per second.

The main difference between DC and AC lies in the direction of the flow of electrons. In DC, electrons flow in one direction, while in AC, they reverse the direction of their flow.

The type of current used depends on the application. For example, DC is used in the majority of electronics, such as computers, phones, and TVs, because it provides a constant power source that can be easily controlled. AC is used in most household appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines, because it allows for more efficient transmission over long distances.

In terms of safety, AC is safer than DC. This is because when the electricity in AC changes direction, it dissipates the energy more quickly and reduces the risk of electric shock.

What Is AC?

Alternating current (AC) is a type of electrical current that reverses direction periodically. It typically operates at a frequency of 50 or 60 cycles per second and is used in most electrical appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. AC provides a more efficient way to transmit power over long distances and also reduces the risk of electric shock due to its rapid dissipation of energy.

Characteristics of AC:

  1. AC is generated by using mechanical or electronic alternators.
  2. The voltage value of the current in an AC system changes with time, usually in a sinusoidal fashion.
  3. The flow of conduction is reversible; it can be reversed in its direction of motion at regular intervals or periodically.
  4. It has lower power loss compared to DC.


The waveform for DC is a flat line, indicating that the voltage or current remains constant. The waveform for AC shows peaks and valleys, which signify the changing direction of electrons at regular intervals.

Generating AC:

AC can be generated using a device known as an alternator, which uses magnets to create a rotating magnetic field. This field induces an electric current in the surrounding wires and generates AC.

What Is DC?

Direct current (DC) is a type of electrical current that flows in one direction and remains constant. It typically operates at a frequency lower than AC, such as 12 volts for car batteries. DC is used to power some small devices such as cell phones and calculators; however, it is not suitable for larger applications due to its inability to transmit power over long distances efficiently.

Characteristics of DC:

  1. DC is generated by using generators or chemical cells.
  2. The voltage value of the current in a DC system remains constant over time.
  3. The flow of conduction is unidirectional; it moves only in one direction and cannot be reversed.
  4. It has higher power loss compared to AC.

Generating DC:

DC power can be generated using a device known as a dynamo or generator, which uses spinning wheels with magnets to generate electric current. This current is then converted into DC power using rectifier diodes and other components.


The waveform for DC is a flat line, indicating that the voltage or current remains constant. The waveform for AC shows peaks and valleys, which signify the changing direction of electrons at regular intervals.

What Is The Advantage And Disadvantages Of Ac Vs Dc?

Advantages of Alternating Current:

  1. AC is safer than DC as it dissipates the energy more quickly, reducing the risk of electric shock.
  2. It can be transmitted over long distances more efficiently than DC due to its ability to control voltage and current levels along the way.
  3. It is cheaper to produce and maintain than DC power sources.
  4. It is more reliable for high-power applications than DC.
  5. AC can be easily converted from one voltage level to another, allowing it to be used in a variety of power levels and applications.

Advantages of DC:

  1. DC power sources are easier to control than AC, making them ideal for use in electronics such as computers and phones.
  2. DC can supply power to low-voltage devices more efficiently.
  3. It is simpler and cheaper to use than AC for powering small appliances such as electric toothbrushes or razors.
  4. DC is more efficient in providing high-power applications such as motor vehicles and airplanes.
  5. DC can be used to store energy in the form of batteries for later use.

Disadvantages of Alternating Current:

  1. AC is more prone to interference due to its alternating nature, which means that it is prone to interference from external sources.
  2. AC can be more dangerous to work with than DC as it can cause burns, electric shocks, and fires if not handled properly.
  3. AC requires more complex equipment for conversion and regulation of power levels, which increases cost and maintenance needs.

Disadvantages of direct Current:

  1. DC is not as efficient for long-distance transmission of power due to its inability to control voltage and current levels along the way.
  2. DC requires more energy to generate than AC, making it more expensive in some applications.
  3. DC can be difficult to regulate and maintain at a constant level, which can lead to problems in some applications.
  4. DC is not able to supply as much power for high-power applications compared to AC.
  5. DC can suffer from short-circuiting and other electrical issues if not handled properly, which can cause safety risks and damage to equipment.

Applications Of Ac And Dc:

Ac Applications:

  • Household appliances such as refrigerators, washers and dryers, toasters, and lights.
  • Industrial motors for powering machinery in factories.
  • Home entertainment systems such as TVs and stereo speakers.
  • Commercial lighting systems for offices, shops, and streets.
  • Power grids for supplying electricity to cities.
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Dc Applications:

  • Electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and calculators.
  • Automotive systems such as starter motors and alternators convert AC to DC in a car engine.
  • Solar cells for generating electricity from the sun’s energy.
  • Batteries for storing energy for later use.
  • Electric locomotives and other large vehicles need powerful DC motors to run.

Why Are AC And DC Different?

AC and DC are different because AC is an alternating current that changes direction at regular intervals, while DC is a direct current that flows in one direction. This difference leads to different electrical properties for each type of power, such as waveform, efficiency, safety, cost, and ease of use.

Difference Between Direct Current And Alternating Current

PROPERTY Alternating Current Direct Current
Amount of energy that can be carried: AC can carry more energy than DC due to its ability to change the magnitude and direction of the current. DC is limited in the amount of energy it can carry as its current only flows in one direction.
Safety considerations: AC poses a higher safety risk than DC, as it moves with much greater force and can cause more severe shocks and burns. DC is safer than AC, as the current in a DC system only moves in one direction and has lower power loss. This reduces the chance of electric shock and burns injuries.
Cost considerations: The cost of installing an AC system is higher than that of a DC system. The cost of installing a DC system is lower than that of an AC system. This makes it more affordable for consumers.
Cause of the direction of flow of electrons: The direction of the flow of electrons in an AC system is due to its alternating nature, which causes it to move in a periodic wave-like pattern. The direction of the flow of electrons in a DC system is due to its unidirectional nature, which causes it to move only in one direction.
Applications: AC is used in many everyday applications, such as lighting systems and motors. It is also the type of current used by most power grids. DC is commonly used in electronics, such as batteries and computer circuits. It is also used to power certain vehicle systems like electric cars.
Direction of flow of charge Alternating current changes its direction of flow periodically. Direct current moves in one direction only and does not change its direction of flow.
Types of energy transfer: AC transfers energy from one point to another in the form of an alternating current. DC transfers energy from one point to another in the form of a direct current.
Magnitude of voltage: The magnitude of the AC voltage varies with time, usually in a sinusoidal fashion.  The magnitude of the DC voltage remains constant over time.
Direct of current & polarity AC has both positive and negative currents. The direction of the current reverses periodically. DC has only one polarity, either positive or negative. The current flows in only one direction and cannot be reversed.
Power factor AC has a power factor of one. This means that it supplies the same amount of power and energy to a load as it receives from its source. DC has zero power factor, which means that it does not supply the same amount of power and energy to a load as it receives from its source.
Frequency of current: AC has a frequency that is regulated by mechanical or electronic alternators. DC does not have a frequency, and therefore, there is no need for any form of regulation.
Use of Transformer AC requires the use of a transformer to convert the current from one voltage level to another. DC does not require the use of a transformer, as it does not need to be altered or converted in order to work.
Transmission efficiency: The transmission efficiency of AC is higher than DC due to its ability to change direction and magnitude easily. The transmission efficiency of DC is lower than that of AC due to its unidirectional flow. This means it has higher power loss compared to AC.
Source of generation AC is generated by mechanical or electronic alternators. DC is usually generated by batteries, fuel cells, and solar panels. It can also be generated from an AC system through the use of a rectifier.
Applications of Motors AC motors are used in many applications, such as pumps and compressors. They are also used in blowers and fans. DC motors are used in a variety of applications, such as electric vehicles, power tools, and cranes. They can also be found in robotic systems and automated processes.
Opposition to the current flow AC encounters relatively low opposition to current flow due to its alternating nature. DC encounters higher opposition to current flow due to its unidirectional nature. This can cause power loss and efficiency issues in DC systems.
Types of loads AC is suitable for a wide variety of loads, such as resistive and inductive. DC is only suitable for resistive loads, such as lightbulbs, heating elements, and motors. It cannot be used with inductive or capacitive loads.
Voltage levels: AC voltage levels can be easily changed through the use of a transformer.  DC voltage levels cannot be easily changed and will remain constant unless it is rectified by an AC system. This means that DC systems require more complex installation processes.
Frequency of oscillation AC frequency is regulated by mechanical or electronic alternators. DC does not have a frequency and, therefore, cannot be regulated. This means that DC systems require more complex installation processes than AC systems.
Direction of flow AC flows in alternating directions, reversing periodically. DC flows in one direction only, and its current cannot be reversed
Current flow AC flows in alternating directions, which means that its current can be reversed. DC flows in one direction only, and its current cannot be reversed. This makes it difficult to control the direction of a DC system.
Flow of Electrons AC electrons flow in a back-and-forth pattern, allowing them to be easily reversed. DC electrons flow in a single direction and cannot be easily reversed. This can lead to power loss and efficiency issues in DC systems.
Voltage stability: AC voltage is relatively stable, meaning it does not fluctuate much.  DC voltage is less stable than AC and can fluctuate significantly depending on the load. This can lead to power loss and efficiency issues in DC systems.
Obtained from renewable sources  AC can be obtained from a variety of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.  DC cannot be obtained directly from renewable sources and must be rectified from an AC system in order to use it. This means that DC systems require more complex installation processes.
Power Factor AC power factor depends on the load. It can be improved by adding capacitors or inductors to the system. DC power factor is always one, meaning it does not depend on the load and cannot be improved. This means that DC systems require less maintenance than AC systems.
Power Distribution AC is the preferred choice for power distribution as it can be transmitted over long distances with minimal energy loss. DC transmission is not ideal for power distribution as it suffers from greater energy losses than AC systems. This means that DC systems cannot be transmitted over long distances without significant losses.
Passive Parameters AC systems have relatively low resistance and inductance, making them suitable for long-distance transmission. DC systems typically have higher levels of resistance and inductance, making them unsuitable for long-distance transmission. This means that DC systems require more complex installation processes than AC systems.
Types of electrical components AC systems use conventional electrical components, such as motors, relays, and switches. DC systems require specialized components that can handle higher voltage levels, such as power transistors and thyristors. This means that DC systems require more complex installation processes than AC systems.
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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Why Can’t AC Be Stored In Batteries Instead Of DC?

AC current is difficult to store in batteries since the voltage and current are constantly changing. DC current can be stored more easily because it has a constant voltage level. Batteries are usually designed to store DC energy.

Why Is The Use Of Ac Voltage Preferred Over Dc Voltage?

AC voltage is preferred because it is more efficient and cost-effective to use in applications that require higher voltages. It can also be converted into different levels of voltage, which allows for greater flexibility when designing electrical systems. I

What is wattless current?

Wattles current is a type of AC current that does not carry any power. It is usually used for signaling or measuring purposes and does not require the use of electricity. For example, an AC electric meter uses wattless current to measure the amount of energy being consumed by a household.

What Will Be The Value Of The Power Factor In The Circuit When It Is At Resonance?

The power factor in a circuit at resonance will typically be equal to one. This means that all of the electrical energy supplied is being used by the circuit, resulting in maximum efficiency. In other words, no power is wasted.

Give Reasons For A Loss In Current In The Transformer.

Loss of current in a transformer can be caused by several factors, including inadequate insulation, loose connections, or an overload on the transformer. Poor design can also lead to current losses due to heat dissipation. Additionally, stray capacitance between windings can cause a flow of unwanted current through the transformer and result in power loss.

Are Both Currents Important?

Yes, both DC and AC currents are important in different applications. Direct current is important for low-voltage applications such as electronics or computers, while Alternating Current is used for high-voltage applications like electric motors or power lines. Without both types of current, the world would not be able to enjoy the modern conveniences we are used to today.

Why Dc Is Not Used In Homes?

DC current is not used in homes because it is difficult and expensive to convert from the high voltage required for transmission over long distances.

Which Is Stronger Ac Or Dc?

AC current is typically stronger than DC current. This is because the voltage and current of an AC system can be stepped up or down with a transformer, allowing more power to be transmitted over long distances.

Can Dc Current Shock You?

Yes, DC current can shock you if the voltage is high enough. It is important to always use caution when handling any type of electrical current.

When Would Ac Be Converted To Dc?

AC current may be converted to DC for various applications, such as charging a battery or controlling an electric motor.

What Current Is Used In Homes?

In most homes, AC current is used. Alternating Current is typically transmitted over long distances and can be easily converted to different levels of voltage. This makes it the ideal choice for powering household appliances and electronics.

What Happens If You Connect Dc To Ac?

Connecting DC to AC can cause damage to the electrical system due to the incompatibility of the two systems. It is important to remember that AC and DC currents cannot be mixed.

Are There Advantages And Disadvantages Of Both Current Types?

Yes, both DC and AC currents have their own advantages and disadvantages

Can You Transfer Dc To Ac?

Yes, it is possible to transfer DC current to AC current. This process requires a significant amount of energy and can be inefficient if not done correctly.

Is A Transformer Ac Or Dc?

A transformer is an AC device, meaning it can take in AC current and convert it to a different voltage or frequency. Transformers are essential for the transmission of electricity over long distances.

Can Ac Be Stored?

No, AC cannot be easily stored as energy because its voltage and frequency constantly change.

What Are The 3 Types Of Transformers?

The three main types of transformers are step-up, step-down, and isolation transformers.

  1. Step-up transformers: increase the voltage of an alternating current
  2. Step-down transformers: reduce the voltage of an alternating current
  3. Isolation transformers: provide electrical isolation and can help prevent unwanted electrical feedback.

Why Ac Is Used In Transformers?

AC is used in transformers because it can be easily converted to different levels of voltage with a transformer, which makes it ideal for transmitting electricity over long distances. AC current creates a magnetic field in the transformer core that helps conduct electricity more efficiently.

Does Dc Produce Magnetic Field?

Yes, DC current can produce a magnetic field. This is why it is used in applications such as magnets or electromagnetic coils. The strength of the magnetic field depends on the amount of current and the distance between the two poles.

Do Transformers Transfer Ac Or Dc?

Answer: Transformers are designed to transfer AC current. They can take in AC current and convert it to a different voltage or frequency. Transformers are essential for the transmission of electricity over long distances.

Is A Battery Ac Or Dc?

Answer: Batteries are typically DC devices, meaning they produce a direct current of electricity. This is why batteries are most commonly used in applications like portable electronics or small electric motors. AC currents cannot be stored in the same way as DC and would require a transformer to be converted for use.

Is Solar Power Ac Or Dc?

Answer: Solar power is often collected as direct current (DC) due to the nature of solar cells. This DC electricity must then be converted to alternating current (AC) before it can be used in homes or businesses, which requires an inverter.

Is Lightning Ac Or Dc?

Answer: Lightning is actually a form of direct current (DC) electricity. This is due to the fact that lightning is a single electrical discharge, which cannot be switched between positive and negative like an alternating current.

Is Wind Power Ac Or Dc?

Answer: Wind power is typically collected as direct current (DC). This DC electricity must then be converted to alternating current (AC) before it can be used in homes or businesses, which requires an inverter.

Is Electricity Ac Or Dc?

Answer: The type of electricity depends on the application and source of generation. Most public power grids use alternating current (AC), while some applications, such as batteries and certain types of motors, require direct current (DC).

Is An Electric Motor Ac Or Dc?

Answer: This depends on the type of electric motor. Some motors are designed to run on alternating current (AC), while others are designed for direct current (DC). It is important to make sure you have the proper type of motor for your application.


The type of electricity used depends on the application and source of generation. Alternating current (AC) is most commonly used in public power grids, while the direct current (DC) is more often used for applications such as batteries and certain types of motors. AC current can be transformed with transformers to different levels of voltage and frequency, ideal for transmitting electricity over long distances. DC current can also produce a magnetic field, which is why it is used in applications such as magnets or electromagnetic coils. Understanding the difference between AC and DC electricity is essential for safe and efficient electrical systems.

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