Difference Between Baitcast and Spinning


Last Updated on January 5, 2023 by mdmtool

Baitcast reels are designed with a horizontal spool that sits atop the reel. This style of reel is used for heavier lures and larger fish, as it can provide more power than the spinning reel. A baitcaster requires more skill to use, as you must be able to throttle down the amount of line released during a cast using the thumb. The downside to using a baitcaster is that it can be prone to backlash and tangles.

Spinning reels are generally easier for beginners to use as there’s no need for the user to control the amount of line being released during a cast. The spool is situated below the reel and can hold more line than a baitcaster, making it suitable for lighter lures and smaller fish. Despite being easier to use than a baitcaster, spinning reels are less powerful and can become vulnerable to tangles or snags if the user fails to keep their line taut.

What Is A Baitcaster Reel?

A baitcaster reel is a fishing reel that sits atop the rod and features a horizontal spool. It is used for heavier lures and larger fish, as it can provide more power than spinning reels. The majority of baitcasters allow the user to adjust the tension of the line during casting, however this requires some skill in order to avoid tangles or backlash – which is a common issue with this type of reel.

What Is A Spinning Reel?

A spinning reel is generally easier to use than a baitcaster, as the spool sits below the reel and its user has no need to adjust the tension of the line during casting. Its lighter weight makes it suitable for smaller lures and fish, however the user must be vigilant in keeping their line taut as it can become prone to tangles or snags if not monitored. Despite being easier to use than a baitcaster, spinning reels are less powerful.

How To Use A Baitcaster Reel?

  1. Set the spool tension by using a thumb bar.
  2. Place your thumb lightly on the spool to stop it when you cast.
  3. If a backlash occurs, press down firmly on the spool and reel in one revolution at a time until all of the line is retrieved.

How To Use A Spinning Reel?

  1. Hold the line lightly with your index finger while casting.
  2. Once you have thrown the bait, gently release pressure from the line and allow it to spool freely onto the reel.
  3. Keep a close eye on the line tension, as spinning reels can become vulnerable to tangles or snags if not monitored.
  4. o retrieve the line, simply turn the handle of the reel in a clockwise direction.

Baitcaster Reel Pros

  • Can provide more power than spinning reels, making them suitable for heavier lures and larger fish.
  • Allows the user to adjust the tension of the line during casting.

Baitcaster Reel Cons

  • Requires more skill to use than a spinning reel.
  • Prone to backlash and tangles.
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Spinning Reel Pros

  • Easier for beginners to use as there’s no need for the user to adjust the line tension during a cast.
  • Holds more line than a baitcaster, making it suitable for lighter lures and smaller fish.

Spinning Reel Cons

  • Less powerful than a baitcaster.
  • Can become prone to tangles or snags if the user fails to keep their line taut.

Can You Use A Spinning Reel On A Baitcasting Rod Or A Baitcasting Reel On A Spinning Rod?

Yes, you can use a spinning reel on a baitcasting rod and vice versa. If you choose to do so, it is important to make sure that the components (e.g. guides and line) are suitable for the type of fishing that you will be doing. For example, if you plan to use the rod for heavier lures and larger fish, you should ensure that the components are designed for baitcasting. Similarly, if you plan to use a lighter lure for smaller fish then the components should be suited for spinning.

When To Use A Baitcasting Reel Over A Spinning Reel?

  • When heavier lures are used for larger fish.
  • When more accurate casts are needed.
  • When precision and control are the main objectives.
  • When fishing in deep water or using heavy lures
  • For trolling and targeting larger fish
  • If you want more power when casting

When To Use A Spinning Reel Over A Baitcasting Reel?

  • When lighter lures are used for smaller fish.
  • When speed is the primary focus.
  • When tangles or snags need to be avoided.
  • If you want more accuracy when targeting smaller fish
  • When you need to store more line
  • If you’re a beginner and want an easier reel to use.

Difference Between Baitcast And Spinning

  • Casting Distance: baitcasting reels can cast further than spinning reels.
  • Reel type: baitcasting reels feature a horizontal spool, while spinning reels have the spool below the reel.
  • Power: baitcasting reels are more powerful than spinning reels.
  • Ease Of Use: spinning reels are easier to use than baitcasting reels.
  • Line Capacity: spinning reels hold more line than baitcasting reels.
  • Line Control: baitcasting reels allow the user to adjust the tension of the line during casting while spinning reels do not.
  • Backlash/Tangles: baitcasting reels are prone to backlash and tangles, while spinning reels are vulnerable to tangles and snags if the user does not monitor their line.
  • Size: baitcasting reels are usually larger than spinning reels.
  • Price: baitcasting reels tend to be more expensive than spinning reels.

How You Hold A Baitcasting Vs. A Spinning Rod?

When using a baitcasting rod:

  1. Hold the rod firmly with your dominant hand, with your thumb lightly placed on the spool to stop it from spinning when you cast.
  2. If there’s a backlash or tangle, press down firmly on the spool and reel in one revolution at a time until all of the line is retrieved.

When using a spinning rod:

  1. Hold the rod firmly with your dominant hand, keeping it level and pointed towards the target.
  2. Once you have thrown the bait, gently release pressure from the line and allow it to spool freely onto the reel.
  3. Keep a close eye on the line as you cast and reel in to avoid any tangles or snags.

What Kind Of Materials Is Casting And Spinning Rods Made Of?

Baitcasting: Baitcasting rods are typically made of graphite, fiberglass, or composite materials.

Spinning: Spinning rods are usually constructed from graphite or a combination of graphite and fiberglass.

Which Reels Are Less Prone To Tangling?

Spinning reels are less prone to tangling than baitcasting reels. It is important to keep the line taut at all times and be aware of any snags or loops in the line when using spinning reels.

Which Reel Is Best For Beginners?

Spinning reels are generally considered best for beginners as they are easier to use and less prone to tangles. They also have a variety of different components which make them suitable for various types of fishing.

Is A Baitcasting Or A Spinning Rod Better For Surf Fishing?

Both baitcasting and spinning rods can be used for surf fishing. Generally, a larger baitcasting rod with a stronger line is recommended for heavier lures, while a smaller-sized spinning rod will be more suitable for lighter lures.

Which Reel Is Best For Trolling?

Baitcasting reels are best suited to trolling due to their power and ability to cast further distances. They also provide more control over the line while you are trolling, allowing you to make small adjustments as needed.

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Which Reel Is Best For Deep Sea Fishing?

Baitcasting reels are ideal for deep sea fishing due to their power and ability to cast long distances. The larger spool also allows more line to be stored and the free spooling feature makes it easier to drop bait down deep.

Which Reel Is Better For Light Lure Fishing?

Spinning reels are better suited for light lure fishing due to their ease of use and ability to hold more line. They also provide more control over the line while you are casting and allow for more accuracy when targeting smaller fish.

Which Reels Are More Durable?

In general, baitcasting reels are more durable than spinning reels. The materials used to construct the reel and its components are designed to withstand tougher fishing conditions. Spinning reels may be slightly less durable since they have more moving parts and require regular maintenance.

Which Reel Is Easiest To Use?

Spinning reels are generally easier to use than baitcasting reels. They also have a variety of components which make them suitable for various types of fishing. However, they require more maintenance due to the moving parts and regular line changes may be necessary.

Which Reels Are Cheaper To Buy?

Spinning reels are generally less expensive than baitcasting reels since they have fewer components and require less maintenance. If you’re on a budget, a spinning reel may be the best option for your fishing needs.

Which Reels Are Easier To Maintain?

Baitcasting reels are generally easier to maintain than spinning reels due to their fewer components and simpler design. They also have less moving parts which makes them more resistant to wear and tear.

Which One To Choose For Bass Fishing?

Both spinning and baitcasting reels can be used for bass fishing. However, baitcasting rods are generally better suited for larger lures and the heavier line required to catch bigger fish. Spinning reels may provide more accuracy when targeting smaller fish. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and what type of fishing you will be doing most.

Which One To Choose For Catfishing?

When it comes to catfishing, baitcasting reels are the preferred choice. These rods provide more power and accuracy when casting and can handle heavier lines with ease. They are also more durable and require less maintenance than spinning reels.

Which One To Choose For Saltwater?

Saltwater fishing requires heavier lines and larger lures, making baitcasting reels the preferred choice. The additional power and durability of baitcasting reels make them better suited for saltwater conditions than spinning reels. They also provide more control over the line when trolling for large game fish.


What Fish Can You Catch With These Reels?

Both spinning and baitcasting reels can be used to catch a range of fish. However, baitcasting reels are better suited for larger gamefish while spinning reels may provide more accuracy when targeting smaller fish.

Are These Reels Good For Beginners?

Spinning reels are generally easier to use than baitcasting reels and are better suited for beginners. They also require less maintenance and have fewer components, making them more cost effective.

Which Lines And Lures Should I Choose For These Reels?

The type of line and lure you use should depend on the type of fish you are targeting. For baitcasting reels, heavier lines and larger lures are best for catching larger gamefish. Spinning reels can handle lighter lines and smaller lures when targeting smaller fish.

What Kind Of Fishing Reel Do Spinning Rods Use?

Spinning rods typically use spinning reels. These reels have a variety of components which make them suitable for various types of fishing. They also require less maintenance due to the fewer moving parts.

Why Do Fishermen Prefer Baitcasters?

Many fishermen prefer baitcasting reels due to their increased power and accuracy. They are also more durable and require less maintenance than spinning reels. This makes them a popular choice for experienced anglers who target larger gamefish.

Can A Beginner Use A Baitcaster?

While baitcasting reels provide increased power and accuracy, they may be a bit more difficult to use for beginners. If you’re just starting out, it is recommended to start with a spinning reel until you get the hang of things. With practice, you can then transition to a baitcaster.

Do Bass Bite On Spinners?

Yes, bass can be caught on spinners. However, baitcasting reels are generally better suited for larger lures and the heavier line required to catch bigger fish. Spinning reels may provide more accuracy when targeting smaller fish.

What Is The Best Reel For Trout Fishing?

The best reel for trout fishing depends on your personal preference. Spinning reels are popular among anglers because they require less maintenance and have fewer components. Baitcasting reels are also a great choice for trout fishing as they provide more power and accuracy when casting.

What Are The 4 Types Of Reels?

1. Spincast Reels

2. Baitcasting Reels

3. Spinning Reels

4. Fly Fishing Reels

Each of these reels is designed for a specific type of fishing and offers its own unique advantages.

Is It Hard To Fish With A Baitcaster?

Baitcasting reels can be tricky to use when first starting out. However, with practice and proper technique, you can become proficient in using a baitcaster. It is also important to choose the right reel for the type of fishing you will be doing most.


When it comes to choosing the right fishing reel, both baitcasting and spinning reels have their own unique advantages. Spinning reels are a great choice for beginners as they require less maintenance and have fewer components. Baitcasting reels offer more power and accuracy when targeting larger gamefish. It is important to choose the reel that is best suited for your type of fishing. With practice and proper technique, you can become an expert at using either a spinning or baitcasting reel.

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