Difference Between Intercooler And Aftercooler

Comparisons, Knowledgebase

Last Updated on November 25, 2022 by mdmtool

Aftercooler and intercooler are similar devices that are used to cool air that an air compressor has compressed. Both types of devices increase the engine’s efficiency by increasing the air’s density.

What Is An Intercooler?

what is intercooler

An intercooler is an air-to-air or air-to-liquid heat exchanger that is used to cool down the intake air of an internal combustion engine. The cooled-down intake air can result in a more dense and, thus, more powerful charge of air being drawn into the machine. This increased density can lead to a significant increase in engine power.

What Is An Aftercooler?


An aftercooler is a heat exchanger used to cool down the air that a compressor has compressed. Aftercoolers are often used when the compressed air needs to be cooled down before it enters another process or system.

Difference Between An Intercooler And An Aftercooler?


  • Working: Intercoolers and aftercoolers serve to cool air that a mechanical device has compressed. An intercooler is used to cool air that has been compressed by a turbocharger or supercharger, while an aftercooler is used to cool air that an air compressor has compressed.
  • Terminology: The term “intercooler” is derived from the fact that it is used to cool air between two compression stages. The word “aftercooler” is derived from the fact that it is used to cool air after the compression stage.
  • Purpose: The purpose of an intercooler is to increase the engine’s efficiency by reducing the amount of heat generated during the compression process. The goal of an aftercooler is to reduce the temperature of the air before it enters the engine, which reduces the risk of engine damage and increases the machine’s efficiency.
  • Applications: Intercoolers are commonly used in turbocharged and supercharged engines. Aftercoolers are widely used in air compressors.
  • Size: Intercoolers are typically larger than aftercoolers, as they need to be able to cool a greater volume of air.
  • Temperature: Intercoolers are also typically more complex, as they need to be able to handle the higher temperatures and pressures associated with compressed air. Aftercoolers generally are less difficult, as they do not need to deal with the same high temperatures and pressures.
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Benefits Of Using Intercooler And Aftercooler

Both coolers have their own benefits. Few of them are given below:


  • Can be used with both positive displacement and rotary screw compressors.
  • Provide a consistent air temperature and pressure.
  • Can be used in hot, humid climates.
  • Ideal for processes that require consistent air quality, such as food and beverage packaging.


  • Can be used with both oil-free and oil-lubricated compressors.
  • Affordable option for cooling the compressed air.
  • Can be used in a wide range of climates.
  • Ideal for applications that do not require consistent air quality, such as sandblasting or painting.

How To Choose Between An Aftercooler Vs. An Intercooler For Your Application

In general, aftercoolers are used to cool air that has already been compressed by a compressor, while intercoolers are used to cool air before it is compressed. However, there are some applications where either type of cooling system could be used.

When deciding which type of cooling system to use for your application, there are several factors to consider, including:

  • Cooling capacity
  • Initial cost
  • Operating cost
  • Space constraints
  • Temperature requirements

Some compressors are equipped with both an aftercooler and an intercooler. In this case, the aftercooler is used to cool the air first, and then the intercooler is used to cool the air further before it is compressed. This can effectively cool the air, but it may not be necessary for all applications.


What is an aftercooler used for?

An aftercooler is typically used when it is necessary to cool air that a turbocharger or supercharger has compressed. By cooling the air, the aftercooler helps to increase the density of the air, which results in more power being generated by the engine.

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What is an aftercooler in a diesel engine?

An aftercooler is a device used to cool air that a turbocharger or supercharger has compressed. By cooling the air, the aftercooler helps to increase the density of the air, which results in more power being generated by the engine.


An intercooler is a device used to cool air before entering the engine, while an aftercooler is used to cool air after the turbocharger has compressed it. Intercoolers are more effective than aftercoolers because they reduce the temperature of the air before it is compressed, making it dense and allowing more oxygen to enter the engine. Aftercoolers are less effective because they do not reduce the temperature of the air until after it has been compressed, meaning that the oxygen is already less dense.

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