Difference Between Damped And Undamped Oscillations


Last Updated on January 13, 2023 by mdmtool

The main difference between damped and undamped oscillations is that in a damped oscillation, the amplitude of the oscillations decreases with time, while in an undamped oscillation, the amplitude remains constant. This can be seen through various examples, such as a mass on a spring system or an electrical circuit. In a mass on a spring system, when there are no external forces acting on the system, then it is an undamped oscillation, and the energy of the oscillations will remain constant.

if there are some external forces that act on the system, such as friction or air resistance, then it becomes a damped oscillation, and the amplitude decreases with time due to the energy dissipating. Similarly, in an electrical circuit, when the current is not damped, then it is an undamped oscillation and the amplitude of the oscillations will remain constant.

What Is Oscillation?

Oscillation is the repetitive motion of an object, system, or phenomenon around a particular point. It can be in any form, such as a pendulum swinging back and forth continuously, sound waves bouncing off walls, or electrical signals traveling through wires. Oscillations are often described by their frequency (the number of cycles per second) and amplitude (the size of the cycle). Oscillations form the basis for many natural and man-made systems, such as sound waves, radio signals, and even the beating of a heart.

What Are The Types Of Oscillation?

Undamped Oscillation

This is an oscillation that continues with a fixed amplitude and frequency due to the lack of external resistive forces.

Damped Oscillation

This is an oscillation that has its amplitude reduced over time due to the presence of some external resistive force, such as friction or air resistance.

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Forced Oscillation

This is an oscillation that has its amplitude and frequency affected by the presence of an external force, such as a hand pushing a swing or wind blowing on a pendulum.

Resonance Oscillation

This is an oscillation that occurs when the natural frequency of an object or system is in harmony with an external force.

What Is The Difference Between Damped And Undamped Oscillation?

PROPERTY undamped oscillation damped oscillation
Amplitude: the amplitude of oscillations remains constant throughout. the amplitude decreases gradually over time due to the presence of a damping force.
Period: there is no external force acting on it, so the period remains unchanged. the period changes over time due to the presence of a damping force.
Energy:  there is constant energy transfer between kinetic and potential energy as it oscillates back and forth.  the energy dissipates over time due to the damping force and so the amplitude decreases as well.
Constant parameter all the parameters of the oscillation remain constant. the parameters are not constant in a damped system.
Power losses there is no power loss due to the absence of damping force. power is lost in the form of heat or sound due to the presence of a damping force.
Frequency the frequency of oscillation remains constant throughout.  the frequency decreases gradually over time due to the presence of a damping force.
Periodicity the oscillations are periodic and repeated at equal intervals of time. the periodicity decreases over time due to damping force and eventually stops.
Examples swing of a pendulum and the vibrations of a tuning fork.  the motion of an object in a viscous fluid, sound wave propagation in air, etc.
Life of Oscillation Indefinite Finite lifespan
 Energy Loss No energy lost Energy loss
Cause of oscillations: Unbalanced Force Damping Force


How Do Damped And Undamped Vibrations Differ?

Damped vibrations are characterized by an energy loss due to a damping force, resulting in a decrease in amplitude over time. In contrast, undamped vibrations have no energy losses and will continue indefinitely with constant parameters.

What Is The Difference Between Frequency And Periodicity?

The frequency of a vibration is the number of cycles it makes in a given amount of time, usually measured in hertz (Hz). The periodicity is the interval of time between two consecutive cycles, usually measured in seconds.

What Is The Cause Of A Damped Oscillation?

A damped oscillation is caused by a damping force, which is an opposing force that acts on the object and causes it to lose energy over time. This results in a decrease in amplitude.

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What Is The Life-Span Of Damped Oscillations?

The life-span of damped oscillations is finite due to energy losses. Over time, the amplitude of the oscillations decreases until it eventually stops. In contrast, undamped oscillations have an indefinite life-span due to no energy losses.

What Are The Power Losses In Damped Oscillations?

Damped oscillations experience power losses due to energy dissipation over time. This leads to a decrease in amplitude, frequency, and periodicity. In contrast, undamped oscillations have no power losses and therefore remain constant.

Are All Parameters Constant In An Undamped System?

Yes, all parameters remain constant in an undamped system as there is no energy loss. In a damped system, however, the parameters may change over time due to energy dissipation.

What Factors Influence Oscillations?

The amplitude and frequency of oscillations are influenced by various factors such as external forces, damping forces, and initial conditions. The type of oscillation (damped or undamped) is also determined by these factors.

Why Does The Frequency Decrease Over Time In Damped Oscillations?

The frequency of damped oscillations decreases over time due to the energy loss from the damping force. As the amplitude decreases, so do its corresponding frequency, leading to a decrease in overall periodicity. In contrast, undamped oscillations have a constant frequency, as no energy is lost.

Is Power Always Lost In Damped Oscillations?

– Yes, power is always lost in damped oscillations due to energy dissipation over time. This results in a decrease in amplitude and frequency. In undamped oscillations, however, no power is lost as there are no energy losses.

How Can Damped Oscillations Be Used In Real-World Applications?

– Damped oscillations are used in various engineering and scientific applications, such as vibration control systems, seismic wave analysis, etc. They can also be utilized for dampening unwanted vibrations and noise generated by mechanical systems. They can be applied to simulate and predict the behavior of complex systems.

What Is The Unit Of Damping?

– The unit of damping is the Newton second per meter (N·s/m). It is used to measure how quickly a damped oscillation decreases in amplitude. A higher value indicates a larger damping force and faster energy loss, resulting in a shorter life-span for the oscillations.

What Is Undamped Oscillation Formula?

The formula for undamped oscillation is given as x(t) = A·sin (ω·t + φ), where x(t) is the displacement at time t, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular velocity, and φ is the phase. This equation describes how undamped oscillations vary over time in terms of their amplitude, frequency, and periodicity.


In conclusion, damped and undamped oscillations are two distinct phenomena that differ in their energy losses. Damped oscillations experience power losses over time due to damping forces, resulting in a decrease in amplitude and frequency. Undamped oscillations, on the other hand, have no energy losses and thus remain constant. Both types of oscillations have their own unique applications in real-world engineering and scientific fields.

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